Rising & Falling

Rising from the depth of night to fakery and bad news
In the habit of survival, the day unfolds its views
Clutching tight to optimism, I search through my distractions
Sitting at life’s easel, I render new abstractions
Dark sentience in deep disguise, glares wild as it approaches
Claiming to the world, that it acts beyond reproaches
And the hurdy gurdy politicians, wait in line for glory
In hope to be exalted, by he who prompts their story
But collaboration with the Devil
Shows they’re far from on the level
Their words make scars upon the heart of he who watches on
As ‘we’ pray in naivete, that one day they’ll be gone
Truth relaxes on its throne, within the holy light
Withholding till the perfect time, the plan to show its might
But first the author of all lies is keen to show his hand
Indulging in men’s suffering, he makes his frenzied stand
The world looks on to see his deeds with apathy unroused
Until the conscience of the few decide they’re not amused
Thus begins the war, of nature's clashing forces
Where men will strive to win the prize that piety proposes
Falling now into the pit of fates demanding story
Great suffering reveals the plot to win the lasting glory
And so, I drift to sleep once more, and rest from earthly drama
In hope of waking to a world of harmonies good karma
© Steve Bentley