Owed to Leonard

Leonard Cohen

A Giant fell the other day
A Priest of rhyme and song
He wore a suit of wisdom
His weapon was his tongue

Some thought despair was all he new
A poet of the lost
How wrong those minds of idleness
Their ignorance the cost

His lessons were in thoughts of old
Your learning was his deal
A napkin placed upon your lap
For life's next holy meal

Not valued by the masses
He wandered to the light
His journey was exceptional
Whilst pondering truths fight

Honesty, the battle front
Where evil tries to steal
He stood his ground in spite of it
As he spun his old prayer wheel

With tortured thoughts of truths demise
He had to climb alone
Upon the hills of prejudice
His words cut to the bone

In city and in forest
They echoed through and through
With trials and with heart aches
He fought for me and you

The boats they still pass by now
Susanne's within our dreams
But the poet left for Marianne
And all that true love means

I clamber for the magic now
Of seeing in his way
To conjure up some poetry
And send it all his way

To thank him for his words of gold
And seeing through the clouds
Of deprivations blindness
That ignorance enshrouds

No new words from Leonard now
He said his last goodbye
Unless we listen to his songs
Or give Gods peace a try

The miracle he waited for
Arrived at his front door
And carried him to safeties arms
Where it's better than before

The costume of his life now hides
Behind the curtain there
No strength left to keep us wise
We stand with vacant stare

A crutch for us, he played the part
And held us for a while
But time has made its heartless claim
Demanding his exile

Goodbye now Mr. Cohen
Alleluia to your visit
Your songs are gifts to tired hearts
Your poetry exquisite

The signs in the sky have faded now
But the suit you left, I'll ware it well
In caution I will try to speak
Your words of life I'll try to tell

No pain now from times infection
No feeling sad in waning plight
I wish you well upon your way
I'll see you in the Golden Light

© Steve Bentley