
When you’re tired and you’re fading
With no more left to say
And the land that you live upon
Has thrown its heart away
When the sound of cockerel’s crowing
No longer breaks your day
And you see their place is taken
By the growling and the grey
Maybe it’s getting time to say goodbye?
It’s becoming hard to linger
In this draining try and try
So why not take it easy
In the promised bye and bye?
The walls you felled rebuilt themselves
And the story is retold
You thought you’d almost reached the goal
But the ticking made you old
Maybe it’s getting time to say goodbye?
Your family now, has grown and changed
The older ones are few
Your viewpoint has been re-arranged
To think of pastures new
You met your match whilst fighting time
Now the fingers point at you
As you ponder on your final rhyme
With a sad and tearful eye
Wondering how to say that last goodbye
© Steve Bentley