Wishful Thinking

The theories surrender and truth gives a sigh
As circling clouds all disperse
The soul of our hope turns greys into green
Whilst the spirit of love rhymes a verse
On hilltops of snow a light starts to glow
And the womb of salvation gives birth
The winding path ends, as eyes open wide
And the beat of our heart re-shapes earth
It speeds ore the plane like the fire of life
Changing weeds into flowers of light
The people all smile, as peace destroys strife
And the core of all wrongs become right
All guns melt in shame, of their evil aim
Disowning their Demon creators
Who flee from the scene, away from truths sight
No place for those happiness haters
The soldiers say no, to superior commands
And cast off all uniformed action
Agreeing pure sense was the hearts missing link
Granting access to peaceful intension
The castles of death start to fall now
And crumble at curtesy’s feet
The rivers of blood turn to nectar
As the starving and destitute eat
These times have to come, if we’re trusting and true
Holding onto the soul that is wise
Against all the odds, we will witness this change
When we see through the Devils disguise
© Steve Bentley